When I started this working mum’s blog I was a mother of a toddler and an infant, now my boys are five and seven so the challenges are different and what I write about has moved on somewhat. I’m now full-time running the business with Mike and have learned over the past few years that the line dividing work and life, commonly referred to as the elusive ‘work/life balance’ is rubbish. You can exhaust yourself in countless ways trying to achieve it, but I’ve found what works for me. It’s not a profound revelation but it did change my life. Are you ready…drum roll….
I decided that balance is just ‘what works for you’.
Now I don’t spend my time thinking that I’ll never get it right because there is no right. I do it my way. My blogs have also changed somewhat as my interests have moved on. This is what I used to open with:
“Bags, strollers, dummies, security blankets, baby carriers, nappies, wipes, snacks, toys, sanity, laptop, patience, exhaustion, audio book, checklist, checklist, checklist and here we go…”
Now it reads “Bags, security blanket, snacks, toys, sanity, laptop, patience, exhaustion, checklist, checklist, checklist and here we go…” Ok, ok it’s basically the same but anyone who’s moved on from nappies, strollers, dummies and baby carriers knows it’s actually significant. If you’re still there, don’t worry, you will get past it.
I think the rest of the copy from my original opening still the same too. Only I know also write book reviews, about what I find works in parenting (or not) and other stuff I’m into. Here’s the low down:
Traveling with kids from one end of the earth to the other. This working mum’s blog will help you be brave and go on your own adventures.
With two little boys in toe, I have traveled from one side of the planet to the other. Is it not easy but it can be very fun. For anyone who has kids, who has traveled with kids or is trying to maintain their sanity as a working parent, you may be able to relate my blog. These are my stories of travel, pursuits for health and well-being and whatever happens next…
There are a few key points that have kept me sane along the way
- If you forgot to pack it, where ever your going is sure to sell it, so don’t worry. N.B This is not true of India!
- They also sell wine just about everywhere.
- The exception to point number one is your child’s comforter – in our case ‘blankie’- take a spare!
- Be brave, have fun and take loads of photos!
You’ll find loads more in my working mum’s blogs on travel and you can always contact me if you want more details.
Travel with kids, travel for work!
Since they were babies, work has taken the kids and I from one end of the earth to the other! We’ve been to many far-flung places and some great holiday destination too. My working mum’s lifestyle blog will help you be brave and go on your own adventures and it’ll help you with the every day too.

Traveling with a baby- Aaaah, what do I pack
How exciting that your holiday is coming around, it will be a huge adventure and loads of fun. If it's your first long haul trip, traveling with a baby can make you quite anxious, especially when trying to work out what to pack. My first flight with Jack...
Cosmic Kids Yoga – Great Discovery!
We have discovered Cosmic Kids Yoga. It is fantastic, both my two year old and four year old can follow along and enjoy it. There are loads of videos to choose from and because it's on You Tube you can watch them at home on your smart TV, tablet or laptop. And if...
How inviting Sam Eagle to breakfast saved our mornings! Two In A Row Blog
A few minutes of Sam Eagle at breakfast. Ah, the joys of grumpy 4-year-olds... and then I found Sam Eagle is on YouTube. Isaac is not a morning person, he probably gets that from me! If we don’t get milk or food into him very fast after wake up time he becomes a...
Italy for kids- What to do in Rome and Naples
Italy for Kids! Arriva a Roma Is Italy for kids? Absolutely! To get our young boys excited about our trip to Italy, I bought them a copy of Leigh Hobbs ‘Mr Chicken- Arriva a Roma’. Which they loved. And as we are film makers we decided to make a film about 'Mr...
Winging It! by Emma Isaacs – Book Review
Sometimes the Universe sends you messages to help you get what you want and for whatever reason, I didn’t spot this one. In fact, I ignored it, clicked past it, didn’t want to receive it. Then finally, when I was desperately trying to find a book to listen to- it...
Make It Happen by Michelle Bridges Book Review
I decided to write this book review of Make It Happen by Michelle Bridges as I am currently on my own journey to lose some weight and get fit. So I read it with great interest and in hope of some good tips on how to achieve this. I was already familiar with...
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert Book Review
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book 'Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear' by Elizabeth Gilbert. I came across it when I was struggling to get whole-heartedly back into work, still had left over baby brain, was in charge of the household and kids schedules...
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